Friday, August 12, 2011

Home Alone

School has started and believe it or not, the girl were actually more excited than I was!! Whats on the agenda for the first Friday during the new school year, hmmmmm, oreos for breakfast and maybe a yardsale or two to find something to repaint!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bad Blogger...Paging Bad Blogger...

Oh wait!! That's me!! I am so bad at this but it has been a long, busy summer! Mini vacations, Craft Fairs, Family visits, I know that there is more I am leaving out that we did but I will give you a glimpse of our summer in snapshots!!

On our way to Texas with Ms. Hollywood!

Painting wit Homemade sidewalk paint!

Hangin' at the Splash pad with cousins from Texas

Randomness!! Had to throw some of that in!

My wonderful brother in for a visit from Minnesota!!

Incredible Pizza was so much fun!!

And now, school starts for my girls on Monday and I am ready to get back into a regular routine again!! I have missed my craft room this summer!!

And, I will get better at this, I swear!!